Vitreous Detachment

  • New flashes may be caused by vitreous tug on retina without vitreous detachment
  • New flashes may also be caused by lesions anywhere in visual pathway
  • New floaters can be caused by retinal bleeding into vitreous
  • New floaters can also be caused by vitreous inflammation
  • Refer patient reporting new flashes and floaters urgently to ophthalmologist
  • Refer even more urgently if patient also reports new visual field loss, as that suggests retinal detachment
  • If visual acuity has been unaffected, must still refer urgently because...
  • Retinal detachment starts in peripheral retina and spreads toward fovea, and...
  • Diagnosis of retinal detachment before spread to fovea predicts better visual outcome with surgery
  • Retinal break occurs in fewer than 10% of patients with new vitreous detachment, and...
  • Retinal detachment rare even when there has been retinal break, but...
  • Symptoms do not allow distinction between those who have or have not had retinal detachment, which can only be verified by skilled ophthalmoscopy
  • Retinal reattachment surgery more successful in restoring vision if detachment has not spread to fovea