Visual Pathway Disorder

  • Damage to the visual pathway somewhere between optic nerve and visual cortex, including optic chiasm, optic tract, and optic radiations
  • Site of damage often localizable by ophthalmoscopy, pupil reactions, and pattern of visual field defects
  • Patients may report monocular or binocular blurred, blank, dim, dark, or sparkling vision
  • Optic nerve damage may be accompanied by swollen optic disc
  • Unilateral or asymmetric optic nerve damage produces afferent pupil defect
  • Lesions of optic nerve produce nerve fiber bundle visual field defects
  • Lesions of optic chiasm usually produce bitemporal hemianopias
  • Lesions of optic tracts, optic radiations, and visual cortex usually produce homonymous hemianopias
  • See patterns of visual field loss and how they localize lesions of visual pathway
  • Refer to ophthalmologist or neuro-ophthalmologist with urgency that matches speed of onset of visual loss
  • Some disorders are reversible, especially if detected early