Retinal Detachment
- Separation of a segment of neurosensory retina from underlying retinal pigment epithelium, causing vision loss
- Retinal break allows liquid vitreous to seep between retinal layers to cause retinal detachment
- Predisposing conditions are eye trauma (including intraocular surgery), high myopia, intraocular inflammation, and aging
- Patients often report sudden onset of flashes, floaters, and visual field loss, but...
- Symptoms may be subtle, subacute, or altogether absent
- Ophthalmoscopy reveals billowy folds of detached retina, although...
- Detached retina usually not visible without special instruments, and...
- Some detachments are shallow and difficult to see even by experts
- Refer urgently any patient with symptoms suggesting retinal detachment
- Retinal detachment must be repaired surgically
- Visual prognosis better if detachment has not spread to foveal region, therefore...
- Premium on early diagnosis and referral