
  • Poor visual acuity as result of visual deprivation
  • Arises within first years of life
  • Occurs in strabismus (ocular misalignment), anisometropia (unequal refractive errors in eyes), ptosis, corneal or lens opacity
  • Almost always limited to one eye
  • Reversible if detected early
  • Treated by blocking vision in unaffected eye and eliminating provocative condition
  • Subnormal visual acuity in one eye
  • One of provocative conditions (strabismus, anisometropia, ptosis, media opacity) will be present but may not be obvious
  • No afferent pupil defect
  • No other ocular or retro-ocular abnormalities to account for subnormal acuity
  • Uncorrected refractive error
  • Lesion of ocular media, retina, or visual pathway
  • Psychogenic visual loss
  • Refer non-urgently for diagnosis of provocative condition and treatment
  • Treatment consists of occlusion or cycloplegia of unaffected eye and elimination of provocative condition
  • Reversal of amblyopia most effective if treatment undertaken at early age