- Infection with obligate intracellular protozoan Toxoplasma gondii
- Infections occur in neonates via maternal transmission, or...
- In adults as reactivation of dormant organisms acquired in utero, or...
- As acquired infections through ingestion of poorly cooked meat or cat feces
- Patients with AIDS and other immune-compromising conditions most vulnerable
- Most common ophthalmic manifestation: focal retinitis
- Less common ophthalmic manifestation: anterior uveitis
- Chorioretinitis caused by herpes viruses, rubella, syphilis, toxocara canis, filarial worms, sarcoid, nocardia, candida
- Coats disease
- Vasculitis (including Behçet disease)
- Lymphoma
- Other Yellow-White Things in Retina
- Refer neonates suspected of having TORCH infection to ophthalmologist
- Diagnosis based on appearance of retinal lesion and positive ELISA blood test
- Treatment includes systemic pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, clindamycin, atovaquone, prednisone
- Treatment effective in eliminating active lesions, but...
- Permanent vision impairment common even in healed chorioretinitis if macular region has been involved