Inflamed Pinguecula

  • Focal engorgement of conjunctival vessels and thickening of conjunctiva, nearly always at edge of cornea on nasal side
  • Mild form of pterygium
  • Caused by chronic exposure to ultraviolet light in predisposed individuals
  • Usually resolves spontaneously, but faster with artificial tears or topical vasoconstrictors
  • Elevated patch of conjunctiva with engorged vessels leading to it
  • Mild eye pain or irritation
  • Episcleritis, scleritis, BUT...
  • Episcleritis causes less focal conjunctival mounding and more engorgement of deeper vessels, which are not necessarily located near cornea in medial canthus
  • Scleritis causes more eye pain and engorgement of deeper vessels
  • Prescribe topical over-the-counter vasoconstrictors
  • If they are not effective within 2 days, question diagnosis and refer non-urgently to ophthalmologist
  • Manifestations usually resolve spontaneously within days but may endure