
  • Too much watery discharge coming from eyes
  • Caused by too many tears being produced or too few tears being drained
  • Ocular allergy common cause
  • Any ocular inflammation, including dry eye syndrome, causes excess reflex tearing
  • Poor lid apposition to eye keeps tears from reaching punctum
  • Blocked canaliculus, lacrimal sac, or nasal passage can account for impaired drainage
  • Normal tearing, BUT...tears do not drop onto cheek except on windy, cold days, or as part of crying 
  • Check for corneal surface erosion by instilling fluorescein dye
  • Check for conjunctival redness, cloudy cornea, irregular pupil, or hypopyon
  • Inquire about allergy, trauma, sinonasal tumor, previous head radiation treatment, and previous or ongoing inflammation of eyes, sinuses, nose
  • Refer non-urgently to ophthalmologist  
  • Prompt diagnosis important to relieve symptoms and prevent irreversible disability