Remember that anisocoria can be caused by instilled anticholinergic or sympathomimetic eye drops, or accidental contamination from plants or medicated skin patches and aerosols
If pupil constricts very slowly to light and dilates very slowly when light is withdraw, consider tonic pupil caused by damage to ciliary ganglion or nerves in orbital disorders (including surgery)
Measure amount of anisocoria in dim illumination; more than 1.5mm usually pathologic, especially if pupil constricts poorly to light
Refer to ophthalmologist if findings suggest pathologic anisocoria
Refer urgently if you suspect third nerve palsy (could be caused by intracranial aneurysm) or Horner syndrome (could be caused by arterial dissection or tumor)
Measure amount of anisocoria in dim illumination; more than 1.5mm usually pathologic, especially if pupil constricts poorly to light
Refer to ophthalmologist if findings suggest pathologic anisocoria
Refer urgently if you suspect third nerve palsy (could be caused by intracranial aneurysm) or Horner syndrome (could be caused by arterial dissection or tumor)